September 23, 2007

فاصل اعلاني

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Amjad Wadi said...

والأهم من شو بنشوف .. شو يترك انطباع عندنا

والأهم من شو بترك انطباع شو بغير فينا

واحنا عندنا كثير أشياء بدها تغيير

دائما بتفتحي أبواب واسعه للكلام .. يعطيكي العافية

Me said...

Creative ad, its message is even better than the real Zain ads!(is there a message even with those Zain commercial?)

Anonymous said...

Good job bas bedna 3aseer abu el shelen.

Mala2e6 said...

والله يا امجد هالدعايات تركت عندي انطباع انه اللي عملها ما فكر بالشريحة الكبيرة من الشعب اللي ما الها نفس تحلل و تفكر شو قصدهم يعني عبو الشوارع و ما استفدنا اشي
تغير اسم الشركة بس ما اضافو اشي جديد
كنت اتمنى لو مثلا عملو بمصاري هالدعايات اشي
يعني لو قالو مندعم قرى الاطفال الايتام او ملجا عجزة مثلا


thanks summor..the msg as i told amjad is that we spent alot of money,we are a big company so we dont care how much we spend and it doesny matter if you dont understand what behind these ads..hay il

3aseer abo il shelen jay jay bass la2eno abu il shelen akhad bus w met2akher

Anonymous said...

i don't know what is going on here :) first i didn't get the ad, then i thought it has some political aspects. So i thought i'd read the comments, readers usually explaing as well, but i am back to where i started! Mo fahme :)

Mala2e6 said...


zain (previously known as fastlink ) filled the streets tv and radio with ads like this..mer2ati..3e6ry ibsar i was just completing what they started..:D

go to

u can see them there

Anonymous said...

I've never seen the ads either, but this one is pretty cool..just because I appreciate the work that you put in it to create it, I know it's not easy..I like the background music ..
It is true what you said in your reply to summer about these companies,and the more mysterious they're getting in their hidden messages the more money they're making..!!

How are you ya 2ammoura ??

Mala2e6 said...

hello noura

thanks for ur your kind words

the music is elements of life (tiesto)
ana mnee7a keefek inti?