December 03, 2006

The Book Tag

I've been tagged by Summer(thanks Summer)

here's how it goes

The rules are:-Grab the book closest to you-Open to page 123-Scroll down to the 5th sentence-Post the text of next 3 sentences on your blog-Name of the book and the author-Tag 3 people.


page 122 coz page 123 has only three lines

5th sentence

he seemed to be a man at peace with life,proud of his job,he didn't fit Esther's stereotype at all,that we all harbour a great sadness in our souls.

but his answer didn't make any sense at all: 143.5 centimeteres or 4 feet 8 1/2 inches?

absured.logically it should be either 150 centimeters or 5 feet>A round number,easy for buildersof carriages and railway employees to remember.

Book:The Zahir
Author:Paulo Coelho

I Tag



Abed Hamdan


i tag mnosh..although ma fee blog..



Anonymous said...

Thanks Mala2e6..and thanks for tagging others!

Mala2e6 said...

walaw..inti 3endi b tag..:)

u r mostly welcomed

bass ya rab yroddooooo

Anonymous said...

Sorry for intruding...
Nice tag idea.

I was thinking what would I write if I was tagged with it.
My reply would have started with:

Discount(Item I, Dollars Price, Quantity Q1, Time Until,Time T1)

.... I should get rid of technical books!!!
Just a thought,

Anonymous said...

Alright, cool tag, i'll do it tomorrow morning cuase i just don't like writing posts at night heh
and yes, your comments on my blog are working fine :)

Anonymous said...

That is a cool tag :) .. I love it ! .. thanks for tagging me Mala2e6 .. I will answer it shortly on my blog ..

and btw , is Paulo coelho as gos as everybody say ? never tried reading for him before ..

Abed. Hamdan said...

Shank you ...

sort mjamme3 three tags...

yallah ba6ojhom marrah wa7de ;D

Abed. Hamdan said...

sho osset Al-Zahir ?? sarli fatra basma3 3annu kteer...7elo ??

Mala2e6 said...


بالعكس اهلا و سهلا فيك و هلأ بضيفك للتاغ و اكتب شو ما بدك

و منور يا ساري

good morning thanks bakkouz ..waiting for ur tag

i'll check now

actualy this is the first book i read for coelho,i was told it is better than the alchemist,but i am so lazy lately,i didn't get the chance to finish it along with other five i started..yea seems like blogs are consuming my time
up till now the novel is going smooth ..

good morning

ana shoftak mghaybt 2olt tags..w currencies..sho kaman?

up till now i haven't finished the novel but it is nice..if u want to give it a try.

Anonymous said...

I heard he has a philosophical style :) .. I am more into the normal fluent narrating style,novels attracts me most of all.. and lately , I seem to like historical books !

Mala2e6 said...

Danah..I find myself lately attracted to philosophy,Sophie's world is one of the other books that are still waiting to be finsihed too

Anonymous said...

Quite a smart intruder I turned out to be!! :) I got myself tagged :)

Actually it's the first time ever I get tagged.

Thanks a lot.. I'll reply to the tag in a few days because I've just posted a new post last night.

Luckily when I saw that you tagged me this morning, a different kind of book was close to me.. a non-technical one..
So I'll use it in my reply.


Mala2e6 said...


wala intruder walla ishi ..we are looking forward to reading ur book tag..

Anonymous said...

saire 3m bt25ar ma :S?

Al-zahir, areto :D bs bl3rbe :)
fe kman Al-Chemist, Veronica decided to die..

fe kman w7de, bs kter kter eba7eye :shy: blaha..

Mala2e6 said...


lessa ray7a ab3tlek mail..wallahi ma khallast the zahir ..hayni hon ishta2tillek

Abed. Hamdan said...

bajamme3 9owar hnood... roo7i 3ala google , search images, keyword "Kumar"

fee3i ;)

Mala2e6 said...

looooooooooooooooooooooool ya abed..

i will..:D

Anonymous said...

mn 3yunha lmnosh ;)(m3 eno 2olte 3ane mosharade )
here we go :

fe 7de 3 kotob, wa7d already 3melto 3nd 7ala, eltani bl3ebre:shy:, elthaleth is here ..

اربعة لا يخفقون ابدا: مكافح حدد هدفه وسلك الطريق الصحيح اليها, ومتفائل اعد للحياة عدتها, وعامل اتقن عمله واحسن دعايته ,وطالب علم مجتهد ذو ذكاء واستقامة.

اسم الكتاب: هكذا علمتني الحياة (الجزء الاول)
اسم الكاتب: د. مصطفى السباعي

Ich liebe dich ;)

Mala2e6 said...

mosharadeh ya3ni bala blog..blogless..:D

يا عم عالثقافة
ايه الحلاوة دية اية الطعامة دية

شكلو كتاب حلو يا منوش و ان شاء الله رح ادور علية و اضيفة للقائمة
شكرا و انا كمان ايش ليبه ديش اوي

Anonymous said...

Ola, what's up amigos? :)
In first steps it is really nice if somebody supports you, so hope to meet friendly and helpful people here. Let me know if I can help you.
Thanks and good luck everyone! ;)