April 23, 2007

هام..عاجل..حصري..ظروري كثير

ماذا قالت ملائط لدوّن؟؟؟

اسرار تكشف لأول مرة

ملائط تنفي التهمة الموجهة اليها


ماذا حصل للمسلسل ؟

كل هذا و اكثر


في اللقاء الحصري الذي اجرته دوّن مع ملاقط غسيل

هذا و قد قامت شبكات التلفزة في مختلف بقاع الارض ببث الخبر
و اليكم مقتطفات من عناوين هذه الشبكات


Anonymous said...

WOW Mala2e6.. sho kol had ya benti.. leqa2at o denya o mawadee3, shwai tanyeh bnesma3 3annek fo hollywood :) .. bs bsharafek lama tshoofi George clooney tsalmeeli 3aleah kteer el salam.. amaneh b ra2betek ya5ti ya mala2e6... :D

Me said...

Very nice!! and your video making talent is great!! i read the interview, very informative and we got to know you and more about you!! Have a great night!

Anonymous said...

7asheeeesh el 3adeh!!! :D

omar said...

"Mala2etonna Lazagna Spaghetti" hahahaha, walla el Hendeyyeh awwal ishi

you definitely deserve an interview
because you're a really interesting charachter. I was hoping inno el as2eleh to be more "light" rather than being all serious and stuff -- could've been more interesting to suit you Ms. Mala2e6onna! hahaha

Yalla best of luck
and don't stop visiting my blog :)


Mala2e6 said...

shofteeni w ana a3deh ma3 lary king..ah wella ma l7e2t asajel il liqa2..;)

when i se clooey i wont say hi for you
you wil be with me..menroo7 shilleh sawa sawa

seems that both of us had been working on movies yestrerday,urs was great too ..one say we'll have our own production agency gooli inshalla

thanks i am glad you liked it,i wanted to add my voice instead of the scrolling text bas ra7mtkom shway

zaman 3an hal 6alleh
i answered the questions..next time they might be interviewed at al manshar..i might consider multiple choices questions for them(easier for cheating..ya zalameh ma 3reft aghosh... sho hada)

i always stop and see whats new but u haven't been scarce lately..tgheebesh

Tamara said...

lol mala2e6

you are one amazing lady : ) keep it up

Mala2e6 said...


yes3dek..thank you..shofteeni 3al televesion il hindi?

they asked me to sing but i refused..ya3ni..3ashan som3et il wa6an

Anonymous said...

والله وباضت لك في القفص يا ملائقط

افرح بشبابك يوم عدلك يا شابة

مبروك عليك

Anonymous said...

عقبال عند اولادك الملاقط الصغار يا رب .. والله انك رهيبة مسز ملاقط ..
great job
gooooo :)

Anonymous said...

اول ما شفت العنوان حكيت بعقلي .. اوبس شو فاتني ... حصري وخبر وكل هالحكي بس والله بتستاهلي كل خير يا ملائط

Moey said...

just wanted to say hi, zaman 3annik.

Mala2e6 said...

اهلا مرة تانية انا اليوم كنت بزورك انت ومدام طهقانة و الله متت م الضحك بس ما جاتش مناسبة اترك تعليق انشغلت شوية بس راجعالكم...اكيد

و شكرا لزيارتك يا طهقان

الله يبارك فيك

شكراااااااااا نادين

الله يسعدك و يا رب اشوفك من اصحاب المدونات قريبا

ما هوة الدني طبلت و الازاعات اشتغلت و قلت لازم لازمن انه تكونو معي بهذه المناسبة السعيدة

شكرا براء الله يخليلي اياكي

ahlan moey..yes long time no see..inta betgheeb ana mlaz2a bil manshar..hope everything is going fine with you thanks for passing by

Anonymous said...

niiiiiiiiiiiice :D keep going ;)

Anonymous said...

WOW, what a talent and great sense of humor.. it is always a pleasure reading your blog..

on a seperate note,who sings the song you have in your box, "Ba7ebik wa7ashtini" ??

Mala2e6 said...

thanks fatoom kollek zo2..wallahi i missed u

ahlan noura always great to see u around

the song is for husein il jasmi he is an emarati singer..7ewleh kteer sa7?
zaman ma 3melt update lal music box
i will soon..thanks for coming by

Anonymous said...

Thank you, I don't know why I thought he's jordanian..and about that box, it doesn't always appear..Now,it is not here..Allah yerda 3leiki, fix it for me :)

Anonymous said...

fi wa7ad nafar Naryat be7ot la wa7ad nafar malage6 ghasseel el o3'neye elli be7obbo...
yalla mama ru7 suf o3'neye enta be7obbo... ;-)

Mala2e6 said...

i don't know whats wrong noura,i can always view the box..maybe the connection sometimes when idle or slow it takes time to load..:) have a sweet day


fee wahad nafar malage6 yheb narnar

انا فكر انه كلام مال نهار كنسل كلام مال ليل

بس تلع انه كلام نرنر مال ليل زين

Anonymous said...

LOL, its India not Inida :P

Mala2e6 said...

i saw it after uploading the file..hal2 ijat 3ala hay..lol

welcome ya anonymous :)

Anonymous said...

d'arore y7o6o el5abar w ana msh mawjode 2odam el TV??!!

belba2leeeeeek :w7de betwaze3 wared:
2ela alamam ya ba6aleh :m3almet saf awl:


Mala2e6 said...


ma shofti il bebsicc? wala cnn? tab space toon?

thanks mnoshty : mala2e6 betboos mnosh: (hay new lessa ma nezlat)

Anonymous said...

hi mala2e6:
how ru honey i hope ur ok?very nice interview ,it nice to know u alttilw bit more for the person ur .about the mosalsal 7ayati dot com i read all the a7lakat from the first season til the last one very very nice and cant wait to read more and more and for years to come inshallah.good luck i knew u dont need it but keep the good work waiting for more epsiods to read and enjoy and ur bolgs too ok honey see u soon ,(NOOR)

Anonymous said...

el3aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaab !!
I loved the video !!
ana hona men ajl tamkeen el 3elaqat el ba6a6eya/mala2e6eya...

ana sharif...je2to be salam !

ام العيال said...

غسيلك الابيض نور
و رفع راسنا
ايوه هيك
زينة الشباب
فكر رائع يستحق التقدير فعلا

صاحب البوابــة said...

اول زيارة لي لمدونتك

لكنى وجدتها تستحق كل الاحترام


صاحب مدونة البوابة

Anonymous said...

i sent the episode :-D

Mala2e6 said...

thank you so much noor..and i am really glad that u liked the nosalsal..i hope that you keep on reading

kollek zo2 always apleasure to see u around

انا مبسوطة كتيييييييييير
لانه البطاطا و المنشر بينهم رابط عجيب و لازم نعمق العلاقات و نبعت السفراء و انا الان سأتخذ خطوة في هذا الاتجاه و اضيف البطاطا الحزينة اللي بتمنى اشوفها سعيدة الى بلوج رول المنشر

و تعال في سلام و اذهب في سلام يا شريفو يا ملك البطاطا
و شكرا على زيارتك اللزيزة جدا

ام العيال
الله يخليكي و يسعدك يا ام العيال و الله العظيم و حشتيني و حشتيني
و شكرا لزيارتك الجميلة و طلتك الحلوة ربنا ما يحرمني منها

صاحب البوابة
اهلا و سهلا و نورت المنشر و ضواحيه و المناطق المحيطة

شكرا لزيارتك و شكرا انك اخدت من وقتك لتكتب التعليق

thanks naryat..it is lovely yes3dek

Qabbani said...

sorry for late ..

nice work...

Mala2e6 said...

thanks Qabbani so nice of you to pass by..:)