Low Cut Jeans
what are they?
Low-rise jeans have a deliberately low-cut waist intended to sit low on, or below, the hips. They are also known as lowcut jeans, hipsters, hip-huggers and lowriders. Low-rise jeans are intentionally cut lower on the waist, thus covering less body on front (the belly) and the back. Usually the jeans sits at least three inches lower than the belly button.
Although low-rise jeans have existed since the
In Jordan
I can see many many girls in Jordan wearing lowcut jeans,without even thinking if they suit them or not.and the new trend is to wear a matching thong or Gstring(see above picture)
I even saw jeans in a shop with fake thongs on the back,with buttons to remove or keep or change colors when necessary..as if it's OK for underwear to show!!
Girls with kalabeez and karsh showing,not very attractive!!
Medical Concerns!!
Wearing low cut jeans puts pressure on a sensory nerve, which can cause pain and paresthesia in the nerve's area of distribution. This is known as Meralgia paresthetica, they also make legs look shorter,less attractive and with the pressure on the belly,love handles (term for a layer of fat that is deposited around a person's midsection, especially visible on the sides, which is believed to have some resemblance to handles) are more obvious if they were not intially triggered by the use of such jeans.
still want to wear them?
Legal Matters
In USA,Legislator Derrick Shepherd of the state of Louisiana in the USA made an attempt in 2004 to outlaw the fashion of lowrise jeans, particularly to bring a halt to the display of underwear under the pants, claiming it to be disrespectful and obscene.
People still spotted with their "whale tail" would be fined $500. This bill (HB 1703) was rejected by the Louisiana House, however. a similar bill was attempted in Virginia, USA, putting a $50 fine on anyone deliberately showing their underwear.
The bill was rejected in February 2005.
Further conservative reactions come from schools, putting a particular dress code on their students, not allowing them to wear pants below a certain area of their body, or displaying underwear.
what did we do?..
did anyone object?
Of course I'd object,
people are showing as much flesh as they can. Seriously. If you make a percentage of Cloth and Flesh exposed, you'd find flesh is taking the lead! LOL
I am seriously concerned on how parents don't mind for their daughters to wear them. I mean, it's ok up 'til certain age. But now 12 year old girls are like 20's! They surprise me, walla.
KALABEEZ & KARSH! haaahahahaha
sounds like two fat charachters! hehehe
I once possessed a low rise trousers, and I seriously got problems (as a guy). HEHE, why should my kalsoon or underwear be exposed to the nation ya3ni? LOL
I cannot imagine how parents agree to such outfits,outragous.
come to think of it,most designers are men and they make clothes show what their fellow men want to see.
maybe if guys started wearing lowrise jeans girls would stop doing so ;)
If you try to tell their parents, then you'll be the wrong one, and they'll say:
احنا حرين..كل واحد يشوف حالو...
انا شب وبستحي ألبس مثلهم
يالله...ماللي استحو ماتو زمان
والله يا اخ عبد كل يوم بطلعلك موضة جديدة و كل موضة بتزيح اكم سنتي من الاواعي
لسة في بنطلونات اسوء..اللي ممزع و بلاش اقول اكتر
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